HIMSAR history is studded with gems. Since 2008 onwards, HIMSAR students have been proving their mettle and securing different medals for academic performances in final year examination conducted by West Bengal University of Technology. Till 2012, 3 gold medals, 4 silver and 4 bronze have been awarded to our cadets. Our students have also performed excellently on board training. Mitsui OSK Line has awarded Gold, Silver and Bronze medals to 6 of our cadets. Most of our students are working in foreign shipping lines as 2nd Mate. Few of our cadets have also cleared their Master and Mate examination. They are waiting for their promotion to higher grade.

The record of our girl cadets has made us proud by their performances. They have been performing very efficiently and have been receiving wide acclamation for their performances.We wish all our cadets for their success. Their success is our success.