B.Sc. in Nautical Science


Mode Of Selection

The selection of candidates will be based on their performance in the Common Entrance Test (CET) conducted by West Bengal University of Technology (WBUT) or Indian Maritime University (IMU) followed by counseling and on satisfying the medical conditions prescribed for the course. Parents and guardians of candidates are advised to have their wards medically examined even before they apply for admission to the above courses to ensure that they meet the medical standards so as to avoid disappointment at the last moment. The institute does not accept any responsibility, whatsoever, for any expenses incurred or losses suffered by the parents / guardians of candidates after admitting their wards.

Physical Fitness: Candidates for admission will be examined for physical fitness by DGS authorized medical authorities, the details of which will be given in the interview letter, if selected. If the candidate fails to meet the medical requirement as specified would be disqualified for admission. The prospective candidates are requested to produce a medical certificate with the prescribed proforma issued by a Medical Officer not below the rank of Assistant Surgeon, Grade – I, of a Government Hospital at the time of admission. The institute may also arrange medical test by its own doctors on payment basis. Candidates have to undergo sight test conducted by Mercantile Marine Department (D. G. Shipping).


A candidate must be in good mental and physical health and free from any defect likely to interfere with the efficient performance of his duties. The following features are to be particularly observed:

CONSTITUTION: Weight below 43 Kgs and height below 150 cm will be rejected. The chest should be well developed with a minimum range of expansion of 5 cms.

SKELETAL SYSTEM: There should be no disease or impairment of function of bones or joints, contracture or a deformity spine, chest or any joint.

EAR, NOSE & THROAT: There should be no impaired hearing, discharge or disease in either ear. Loss or decay of teeth should not be such an extent as to interfere with efficient mastication. No diseases of the throat, palate, tonsils or gums or any disease or injury affecting the normal function of either temporo mandibular joint. Individuals with severe pyorrhea are rejected.

SPEECH: There should be no impediment of speech (e.g. stammering)

LYMPHATIC SYSTEM: There should be no enlarged glands, tubercular or due to other diseases in the neck or other parts of the body. Thyroid gland should be normal.

CARDIOVASCULAR, RESPIRATORY & DIGESTIVE SYSTEMS: Should be normal and free from any defects.

GENITOURINARY SYSTEM: There should be no palpable and enlarged kidneys. There should not be any disease of the kidney. Cases showing alburminuaria, glycosuria or blood (R.B.C.) in urine will be rejected. There should be no hernia or tendency thereto. Those who have been operated for hernia may be declared fit provided

i. Documentary proof to be produced by the candidate to the effect that one year has elapsed after the operation

ii. General tone of abdominal muscles should be good,and

iii. There should not have any recurrence of hernia or complications with the operation

* There should be no hydrocele, vericocele, spermatocele or any other defects of genital organs. No fistula and/or anal fissure or evidence of hermorrhoids (piles), rectal polyps. There should be no active latent or congenital venereal disease. Undescended intra abdominial testicles is normal and that there is no physical or psychological effect due to undescended testicles, which will not be accepted. Undescended test is retained in inguinal canalo or at the extra abdominal ring will be rejected.

SKIN: There should be no skin disease likely to cause disability or marked disfigurement.

NERVOUS SYSTEM: Candidates having history of fits in continence of urine or enuresis will not be accepted. Mental or nervous irritability , abnormality of gait , defective functions of cranial nerves in co-ordination, motor or sensory defaults will be rejected.

EYE SIGHT: There should not be any degree of squint or any morbid condition of eyes or of the eyelids that is liable to aggravate or recur, possesure of trachome and iris complication sequela. Candidate must posses good binocular vision (Fusion faculty and full field of vision in both eyes). Movement of the eyeballs must be full in all direction and thye pupils should react normally to light and accommodation. Candidates joining Haldia Institute of Maritime Studies and Research (HIMSAR) are not allowed to wear glasses and their vision should be 6/6 (normal) in each eye separately. Defective colour vision tested by ISHIARA test chart is disqualification for HIMSAR. The eye sight standards of candidates joining HIMSAR must conform to the NEW ENTRY STANDARDS as per Mercantile Marine Department (MMD), Govt. of India.

The candidature will be liable to cancel for any other defects, which, in the opinion of the approved medical practitioner will hinder the work on board as an officer.

Candidates have to obtain “Fit for Sea Service” certificate from an approved Medical Practitioner (approved by Directorate General of Shipping).